Monday, October 15, 2012

The Cats and The Dogs

The Cats & Dogs are sworn enemies, where most of them do not get along well with each other.  There are however, some cats and dogs who can live in harmony and be best of friends, though this is not too common.  So, how can we ensure that the cat and dog we placed under one roof can maintain a cordial relationship if not a good one?

The Cats & Dogs' World with The Mother-in-Law shares with you the tips on how both the mother in law and daughter in law can live in peace, so that both can maintain their sanity and happiness.  Well, regardless, this book is specially dedicated to all our friends and fans who are daughters-in-law.

Find out more on the type of cat your mother in law is and how you can manage her curiosity and her loose respect for boundaries.

The Mother-in-Law Spin of Wheel

Spin the wheel of the Mother-in-Law